Can you believe another year has almost come and gone? Where did 2016 go? It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the arrival of 2015!
Well friends, given that we have reached the beginning of another great year, I’d like to share the 10 most popular articles of 2016 with you.
But before I do that, I wanted to say “Thanks!” I started this blog a few years ago and the reception it has received has been incredible, to say the least. Financial freedom is a subject that I’m very passionate about and it appears that many others are as well, as evidenced by the very large number of people that have subscribed to the blog and who visit the site from all over the world. Thank you for being a part of the blog’s community!
Now without further delay, here are the 10 most popular articles of 2016, as measured by page visits to each article:
No surprise to me, the #1 article was about why I blog (to help you) and why I’m different from most other wealth bloggers (they want to sell you something and I don’t). I knew this would resonate with readers, who are just looking for solid information on achieving wealth, without all the commercials those other guys splash all over their blog, trying to sell you their latest CD or training program. Thanks for making this #1!
I Want You To Keep Your Money… And That’s Why Most Wealth Bloggers Hate My Guts!
Ah, talking about finances to your spouse is always a tricky subject and most people do it wrong, resulting in World War III in their relationship. In this article, I provide a win-win approach to having the money talk, with a financially negligent spouse.
How To Have “The” Money Talk. Getting Your Financially Negligent Spouse On The Money Wagon!
Average people stay average by asking the majority of their questions about the weather, politics, current events and the latest TV shows. They make a habit of asking questions about useless things and petty emotions that are designed to keep them average. In short, they ask “hundred thousand dollar” questions of themselves. And what about great people, what type of questions do they ask? I reveal this and more in this telling article about how the questions we ask determine financial outcomes.
Do You Ask Yourself “Million Dollar” Questions Or Just “Hundred Dollar” Questions? Find Out Today!
Chris Rock was famous for saying this about 24-hour ATM’s: “Nothing good is going to come from you withdrawing $400 from your checking account at 3:00 in the morning!” Similarly, nothing good is going to come from you using the word ‘just’ as a qualifier that reduces or eliminates your responsibility in matters of success. The person that says “I’m just trying…” or “I’m just doing the best I can…” is neither really trying or doing their very best. What they are doing, is seeking sympathy, hoping that the people around them will lower their standards and not hold them accountable. Your word matter greatly and in this article I reveal the major phrases to never say if you want to be financially free.
Do you know what the top regret is of people who are on their death bed? It’s this: “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.” Mark Twain said it best – “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” How can you make sure that you don’t end up having the same regret? Read this article for the answer!
A Wasted Life: Most People List This As Their Biggest Regret In Life. Here’s How To Avoid It.
I’m really glad this one showed-up in the top 10. With all the wasted breath about a guaranteed minimum income in the United States, I wanted to set the record straight about what getting a “free income” really means, and how it’s disastrous to a mindset of success.
Would You Reject Free Income? These People Did, Because They Knew It Would Make Them Miserable.
So, what’s the point of building wealth if you don’t enjoy it? Ed’s right, you can’t take it with you when you go. There has to be more to life, than spending most of your days working only to become a miser like Scrooge McDuck in retirement, right? Can those who want financial freedom ever enjoy their money? I reveal the answer to these questions and more in this article that was a response to a subscriber’s question about enjoying money while you’re making it!
How To Enjoy Your Money Now, While Also Building Wealth That Will Allow You To Retire Early!
What’s not to love about this article with the clever title? 🙂 The essential step in breaking free of financial slavery is for a person to make the commitment to themselves to do so. Like most everything in life, financial slavery can only happen if you allow it. I can attest that taking control of your mind is taking control of your life. It has allowed me to dramatically change myself and my life for the better. It’s allowed me to free myself and in this article I explain how you can do the same.
Are You Still Suffering As A Paycheck Hostage? Then You Should Just Go F*** Yourself!
My team really enjoys putting together these little inspirational videos. In this one, I reveal the ultimate “secret” to getting what you want in life. It has nothing to do with luck, heritage or who you know. It’s something else entirely. Give the video a watch and find it what it is.
The idea of a goose farmer or microwave chef is a concept I created to distinguish between someone who wants instant riches and someone who’s willing to do the steady work required for wealth. The most valuable financial asset you own is not a possession, but your personal golden goose. Your ability to work and produce something valuable is the goose that lays golden eggs for you. The more ability you have, the more golden eggs you can earn. You are the golden goose.
Will You Be A Goose Farmer Or A Microwave Chef? Only One Of These Will Bring Riches
Be free. Nothing else is worth it.
P.S. Have you signed up on my email list yet? There will be lots of extra stuff that you will receive in the future if you do!
Ready for more tips on how to achieve the free life? Check-out more articles from the blog archives below:
The Definitive Guide To Knowing When You Should Abandon Your Goal To Become Financially Free
New Video! The Sound Of Silence: The Ugly Consequences Of Being A Paycheck Hostage
Thirteen Simple Thoughts That Changed My Life Forever. How Will They Change Your Life?