Ready To Achieve Financial Freedom In 2022? The “Freedom Machine” Will Take You There. You On?
Tax The Rich? Sure Thing. Let’s Start With Those Rich People Who Want To Tax The Rich More!

There will always be someone with more money than you. No matter how much wealth you build. No matter the size of your investments. Someone will always be richer. This is true for everyone. Even the world’s richest people. Indeed. Forbes annual rankings of the world’s richest people changes quite regularly. While there’s some stalwarts […]
Work Life Balance? Forget That Crap. Instead Of A Balanced Life, Aim For Creating A Bigger Life!

Ah, life balance. It’s one of those concepts I love to hate. Here’s why: I don’t know of a single successful person who feels like they’ve mastered that equation. Yet the myth of the perfectly balanced life haunts many. I also think it’s a false way to describe what the real problem is, because life […]
Will The Year 2034 Finally Be The Year That Everyone Panics About Their Retirement?

Barring an act of Congress, Social Security will have to cut benefits by 2034. That’s a full year earlier than expected. The reason? To address the program’s long-running funding shortfall. The Covid-19 pandemic, and resulting recession, sped up the expected depletion rate by a year. But that’s not the scary part… Social Security provides a […]
Earning $250,000 A Week And Can’t Pay The Rent. Why A Big Salary Isn’t Enough To Build Wealth.
Will Your Children Be Worse Off Than You Are Today? They Definitely Will Be If They Do This..

It’s no secret that I love to read. Books and articles about self-improvement, personal finance and investing are some of my favorite topics. Recently, when scanning the financial headlines, one heading in particular jumped out at me. It read… “A majority of Americans think children will be financially worse off than their parents, survey finds”. […]
LinkedIn Asked Millions To Give Advice To Their 20-Year-Old Self. This Advice Ranked The Highest!

Recently, LinkedIn asked more than a million of its followers for the best advice they’d give their 20-year-old selves. The answers they got back resulted in a ton of useful advice. Some of the tips were strange and hilarious such as beware “reply all,” and eat less pizza (not sure I agree with this one!). […]
Reading This Could Make You A Millionaire. Oddly, Most People Can’t Be Bothered To Read It!
Learned Helplessness: When Crowdfunding And Giving Unto Others Can Be A Really Bad Idea.

The other day I was reading a story about a small business that had achieved some moderate success. The company started out with just a few employees and over the years had grown the business to having several hundred employees. I generally love reading these types of articles, as they tend to embody the spirit […]
Here’s My Ultimate Meme For All Those Looking To Make Millions By Investing In Meme Stocks!

Game Stop. BlackBerry. AMC. Bed Bath & Beyond. What do they all have in common? They’re meme stocks. In case you are not aware, a new retail trading phenomenon has emerged whereby “geniuses” on Reddit and social media platforms promote a hot stock with a meme. Then, the masses, including big investment firms, go buy […]